Favour Omonfonma
2 min readJul 1, 2022

What’s the thing about ideas and content? Ideas could be fireworks, awakening your core, your being, your purpose. It’s like a glimmer of hope, well no hope was lost initially, except you were on a search for ideas. There’s something interesting about unrestricted ideas and I positively mean this. That is; content-wise, business-wise, investment-wise, it MAKES PERFECT SENSE when it drops hot in your mind- honestly, some are not properly thought-through, unrefined gold simply. I have always believed that ideas should be disruptive, you know; expressive and creative, with emphasis on EXPRESSIVE bros, but I have found myself building concepts or ideas to suit perceptions. What I realized from this exhausting task is the drought that happens thereafter, because of how restricted the ideation process had been subjected to suit perceptions or taste or style, whatever. Nothing seems to inspire and that’s alarming for someone who looked at her roommate’s bed cover and wrote a piece!

This leads us to the conversation of the acceptance of these ideas to the market you are trying to sell to.


My Product Management class taught me to understand that the foundation of a product is satisfying the needs of the consumers. It is exciting when ideas are validated or when a product or service solves a problem or that a product is born to provide ease for daily living, but when the essence of whatever idea you conceived is derided by restricting factors; human and not, what do you do? My question is, what do you do with your mind-blowing ideas?

It’s very funny that ideas are equally subjected to seasons. For example, the evolution of mobile phones went from awesome to amazingly awesome because of newly incorporated features. The first time someone thought about those features, it must have seemed like a fantasy or a mere NAHHH, or simply, a lack of expertise, or insufficient research at that time. Well, the actualization of an idea takes time too. But note, that IDEA was VALID.

I just realized that this is a rant. Now I realize why I favored teachers who allowed students to express their understanding of a topic, you would marvel at the intelligence budding from young minds than swallowed-down definitions. Our eyes should be allowed to dream, our minds hold the blueprints- a collective masterpiece.



Favour Omonfonma

I write! A young mind with achievable dreams. Everything is possible.